Learning how to use the best practices in sourcing is easier than you think.
Sourcing in 2024 with a Dash of vFLOW (and a Pinch of Humor)
Welcome aboard the vFLOW method – short for Vendor Freight Logistics Optimization Worldwide – where sourcing in 2024 is less about navigating a maze of complex jargon and more about keeping things light, professional, and yes, even spiced with a bit of humor. Imagine vFLOW as your trusty GPS for global sourcing: it won't let you down, even when the road gets bumpy with economic potholes.
Hunting down a new supplier? Think of it as speed dating for business. Start by creating a sourcing process. What are you sourcing? Is it linked to any existing project? Where are you in the process?
We always recommend a good process that you solicit quotations based on the same specification from each supplier. Consistency is vital when you think about comparing apples to apples. Ideally you have templates that you can use for each phase of the supplier interaction.
Managing a sample process is vital. Request for Sample (RFS) is the preferred method of managing the FLOW.
And before we finish sharing the FLOW framework we should point out that the collection of the inbound supplier sample shipment should also be entered into your system:
Now, let's talk money without making your head spin. Pricing can fluctuate like your mood on a Monday morning – you've got raw materials, labor, and energy to consider. If the price of your main ingredient – let's call it cotton – is making a run for it, you'll need to chat with your supplier like they're your barista charging extra for oat milk. Get into the details and validate the story. If the commodity is not increasing then push for why there is a price increase. If the commodity is falling ask for discounts at appropriate intervals. Use pricing lists and agreements to manage this and don't forget to index those with each Purchase Order.
In the end, sourcing's all about the handshakes, not the headaches. Aim for a happy medium where neither side feels like they're leaving the party empty-handed. With vFLOW, it's about steering your sourcing ship into the sunset, high-fiving the dolphins along the way, and knowing that everyone's onboard for the journey ahead. Keep it light, keep it smart, and let’s make sure everyone's still friends when the sun rises on another day of global business. To see in hundreds of video bite sized chunks check out the YouTube page: Parsimony socials.