About us

The first definition of Parsimony is “an extreme frugality in the use of resources”.  And that is somewhat true.  We are a scrappy crew that is very cautious with our investment strategy and we have a strong bias that favors value over luxury. We treat your money and time the same way we would treat our own. 

The second definition is an even better fit.  The Law of Parsimony (also known as Occam’s Razor) is "the problem-solving principle that the simplest solution tends to be the right one."

The job of running a business (the definition of any job really) is all about solving problems.  And at Parsimony we love to solve problems for marketplace sellers so that they can become the successful entrepreneurs that they dream of.  

It is our goal to help 1,000 companies 10x their sales.  

Here is how we do it:

Single source of truth:  It all starts with a master database that seeks to hold a record of every transaction, selling price, product cost, customer interaction and more.  You will never have to hear “Well that other system says something completely different."  You will have a single source of truth.

Data vs Information:  Now that we have all the data, Parsimony will convert it into something much more valuable.  Information. Information is the Difference that makes a Difference.  Did something change?  Let’s take action on it. Are we going to run out of stock?, here is how much to buy, what you paid last time, and when you can expect it.  Did something go wrong?  Here is the date and time that the change was made and who made it.  Let’s get it fixed and document the proper procedure.

Power of Parsimony:  One system with all the Tools that you need to run your business and it all works on a single database so you have a Single Source of Truth.  You can make decisions with confidence and trust your team to do their jobs.  In short, you let the systems run the business while you and your team run the systems.  And if you ever decide to exit the business, you don’t hand off a dozen different logins to systems and hundreds of different spreadsheets.  You give one login to the new owners and say  “It is all in Parsimony."

The concept of business, technology, the Internet and the network. A young businessman thinks about the work process: ERP

We Believe

We believe in fun.

We believe in winning.

We believe in the Golden Rule.

We believe that life is a team sport.

We believe in long-term relationships.

We believe Entrepreneurs are changing the world.

We believe in putting our name on everything we do.

We believe Entrepreneurs make the world a better place.

We believe a winning Strategy is a prerequisite to success.

We believe in PEOPLE: Our members. Our team. Our partners.

We believe in doing the right thing; even when nobody is looking.

We believe technology is just one way to empower Entrepreneurs.

We believe Entrepreneurs add to, not subtract from, the world we live in.

We believe systems should run the business and people run the systems.

We believe that everyone is best when they know and use their strengths.

We believe even the best strategies require excellence in tactical execution.

We believe in discipline. We’re willing to do whatever it takes to achieve our goals.

What do you believe?

Parsimony.com offers top-tier ERP hosting and customizations. Our global team focuses on creating efficient, user-friendly solutions tailored to your needs. We help businesses streamline their operations with custom software that is both reliable and scalable. Let us turn your ideas into reality with our professional expertise.

Discover Quality Enterprise ERP Hosting & Custom Software Solutions

Discover quality ERP hosting and custom software solutions with Parsimony.com ERP Cloud Hosting. Our user-friendly interface and flexible options help you manage your business with ease. From accounting to project management, tailor our features to fit your needs. Access your data anytime, anywhere, with our secure cloud-based platform. Let us support your growth.